Generate Life Sciences
Responsive Websites & Digital Marketing
Generate Life Sciences is the leading reproductive services platform in the world. Founded in 1977, California Cryobank pioneered the frozen donor sperm industry in the ‘80s. Since then, it has quadrupled in size over the past 10 years, branching into cellular therapies, donor egg banking, and the world's largest newborn stem cell bank.
As Creative Director at Basis, I worked with their marketing department and product owners to re-brand and align all of their reproductive service offerings under Generate Life Sciences.
Using agile methodology, my team has redesigned and developed all of their web properties - which includes individual e-commerce web properties for donor sperm, donor eggs, fertility preservation, and stem cell storage.
Additionally, we provided design & production support for their collateral & trade show displays domestically, and internationally.
Let's work together
Currently available for full, part-time and contract work.